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Implementation outline of "Aichi Prefecture Infection Control Measures Cooperation Fund.

With the implementation of priority measures such as spread prevention and emergency measures, the "Aichi Prefecture Infection Control Measures Cooperation Fund (for implementation from April 20th to May 31st)" will be provided for the period from April 20th to May 31st. We will inform you that it will be carried out.

1 Purpose

Because of the new coronavirus infection to prevent the spread, such as shortening of holiday business hours depending on the county leave request and operating time of the reduction request, such as ※ for businesses that were carried out, "Aichi Prefecture, infection prevention measures cooperation gold (4 / 20-5 / 31 implementation) ”will be issued. * Shortening business hours includes cases where the company is closed all day to prevent infection.

2 Target period, grant amount, etc. (planned)

With the implementation of emergency measures throughout the prefecture, the implementation period of the Aichi Prefecture Infection Control Cooperation Fund will be extended to May 31st.

Business hours shortening request frame

(1) 4 / 20-5 / 11 (Period of priority measures such as prevention of spread)

Target area

The entire area of ​​Nagoya City

All areas of Aichi Prefecture except Nagoya City

Target period

From Tuesday, April 20, 2021 to Tuesday, May 11, 2021 [22 days]

Target business operator

Businesses that operate restaurants, etc. (including large companies) that have received a request to shorten business hours in the target area * A restaurant business license or coffee shop business license is required

Shortening business hours

5 am to 8 pm * Alcoholic beverages are served from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm

5 am-9pm

Main requirements

・ Comply with industry-specific guidelines ・ Register with the prefecture's “Safety and Security Declaration Facility” and post PR stickers and posters ・ Refrain from using karaoke equipment (only at stores that provide equipment)

Grant amount * 1

○ SMEs * 2 40,000 to 100,000 yen depending on sales

40% of the decrease in sales of large companies (up to 200,000 yen)

○ Small and medium-sized enterprises * 2 25,000 to 75,000 yen depending on sales

40% of the decrease in sales of large companies (up to 200,000 yen * 3)

* 1 1 store, daily payment * 2 As with large companies, 40% of the sales decrease can be selected * 3 200,000 yen or daily sales of the previous year or the year before last x 0.3 Whichever lower amount

(2) 5 / 12-5 / 31 ( Emergency Measures Period)

Target area

All over Aichi prefecture

Target period

From Wednesday, May 12, 2021 to Monday, May 31, 2021 [20 days]

Target business operator

Businesses that operate restaurants, etc. (including large companies) that have received requests for closure or shortening of business hours in the target area * A restaurant business license or coffee shop business license is required

Closed / shortened business hours


* Limited to facilities that provide alcoholic beverages and karaoke facilities (including bringing in alcoholic beverages)

Shortening business hours from 5 am to 8 pm

Main requirements

・ Comply with industry-specific guidelines ・ Register with the prefecture's “Safety and Security Declaration Facility” and post PR stickers and posters ・Cancel all - day provision of alcoholic beverages and karaoke facilities (including bringing in alcoholic beverages)

Grant amount * 1

○ SMEs * 2: 40,000 to 100,000 yen depending on sales

○ Large companies: 40% of sales decrease (up to 200,000 yen)

* 1 1 store, daily payment * 2 As with large companies, it is possible to select 40% of the decrease in sales.

Target period

From Tuesday, April 20, 2021 to Monday, May 31, 2021 [42 days]

Target business operator

<From April 20th (Tuesday) to May 11th (Tuesday)> ・ Canceled the provision of karaoke facilities, restaurants that are open only during the day as before * ・Received permission from the restaurant business that stopped providing karaoke facilities Businesses that operate karaoke stores that do not operate (including large companies)

<From Wednesday, May 12 to Monday, May 31> ・ Karaoke facilities will be discontinued and restaurants will be open only during the day as before * ・ Small scale (floor of the building) without permission from the restaurant business Businesses (including large companies) that operate karaoke shops with an area of ​​1,000 square meters or less )

* A restaurant business permit (restaurant business permit or coffee shop business permit) is required

Main requirements

- industry-specific guidelines compliance and registered in the "safety and security declaration facilities" of-prefecture, PR stickers and posters the karaoke equipment of self-restraint and provision of rambling of use - all-day, of the provision of alcoholic beverages rambling (alcoholic beverages bring Including) (5 / 12-5 / 31)

Grant amount

<From April 20th (Tuesday) to May 11th (Tuesday)> 10,000 yen per store per day * Karaoke stores that are open at night and do not have permission for the restaurant business [Business hours reduction request frame] Same amount as. Night business: Nagoya city Stores open from 5 am to 8 pm Outside Nagoya city Stores open from 5 am to 9 pm <Wednesday, May 12 to May Until Monday, 31st> ・ Restaurant, etc. 1 store 10,000 yen per day ・ Karaoke store without permission of restaurant business 20,000 yen per day

3 Application acceptance method and period

From June 7th (Monday) to July 31st (Saturday), 2021 (effective postmark on the day (in the case of mail))

4 Documents required for application (planned)

Business hours shortening request frame

(1) Application for cooperation grant (2) Pledge (3) Documents that can confirm the status of business conditions, time reduction requests, and leave requests    ・ A copy of the restaurant business permit (certificate) or coffee shop business permit (certificate)    ・ A photo of the exterior / interior of the store, a photo of a sticker, and a copy of the screen of the web page (the fact that the store is open and the facts such as shortened business hours and infection prevention measures can be confirmed) (4) Total sales / store Separate food and beverage business Documents that can grasp sales , copy of final report, copy of sales ledger by year, month, etc. (5) Other documents necessary for identity verification, etc. Driver's license, health insurance card, and other public institutions Copy of issued certificate, etc. (6) Documents showing the transfer account

Request frame for refraining from using karaoke equipment

(1) Application for cooperation grant (2) Pledge (3) Documents that can confirm the actual business situation and the status of response to refraining from using karaoke facilities    ・ A copy of the restaurant business permit (certificate) or coffee shop business permit (certificate) (Only for restaurants, etc.)    ・ A photo of the exterior / interior of the store, a photo of a sticker, a copy of the screen of the web page (the fact that it is open, refraining from using karaoke facilities, measures to prevent infection, etc. can be confirmed. )    ・ Copy of final report (4) Documents that can grasp total sales and sales of restaurant business by store (only for karaoke boxes that are open at night)    ・ Copy of sales ledger by year and month (5) ) Other documents required for identity verification, etc. A copy of a driver's license, health insurance certificate, or other certificate issued by a public institution (6) Documents that show the transfer account.



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